The development of the Sacramento Railyards is moving full steam ahead.
This year, Kaiser Permanente announced its purchase of land for development of a 14-acre Medical Center; the proposed MLS stadium has come closer to fulfillment than ever with $1 billion of private backing promised by investor Ron Burkle and the full support of the Mayor’s office and City Council; and the City has successfully lobbied for the construction of a $460-million superior courthouse to be included in the State budget.
All of these projects promise to deliver thousands of jobs and have a long-lasting economic impact on the region.
While they may grab fewer headlines, other important projects are also underway within The Railyards 244-acre infill development site. And these projects are catching the attention of entrepreneurs looking for ways to bring their business to The Railyards.
Bringing Business to The Railyards
The East End District of The Railyards will be the first of its five districts to welcome residents and business owners when its first two projects are completed, consisting of:
- Mixed-use residential housing
- Office-retail buildings
Featuring a 6-story building with ground-floor retail space, The Railyards first mixed-use residential project also includes residential units, parking, open space, and resident amenities.
The ground floor retail space brings with it a unique opportunity for businesses to offer services and products to the residents on the upper 5-floors.
The East End District isn’t the only opportunity businesses have to pioneer The Railyards development, as a dedicated retail-office building is also in the works.
The Foundry
The Foundry offers the perfect opportunity to bring your business to The Railyards.
Two six-story office and retail buildings located on “Lot 12”, east of the Central Shops between Fifth and Sixth Streets, will welcome the first businesses to stake out a coveted spot in this exciting new district.
Designed by RMW Architecture & Interiors, the Foundry buildings will evoke the spirit of the historic Central Shops buildings, with two-story high windows that allow views of structural timber frames used inside the building.

Each of the two, six-story buildings feature ground-floor retail and restaurant space, as well as a shared courtyard area between them which accommodates potential outdoor cafe seating, living green walls, and seat walls.
Combined, the two buildings will have more than 261,000 square feet of office space, with a parking structure planned for the lot to the south of The Foundry.
A Proven Formula for Economic Development
The City of Sacramento has a proven formula for economic success in an area; one need look no further than the Golden 1 Center and DOCO area to see it in action.
In its first year, the Golden 1 Center hosted 1.6 million guests, who spent more than $71 million.
Numbers provided by Downtown Sacramento Partnership and Greater Sacramento Economic Council showed gains in real estate transactions, office space occupancy, downtown employment, foot traffic, and more in the year after the arena’s completion.
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg called the arena a “direct economic boost.”
But it isn’t just the arena and surrounding entertainment district that are good for the City.
In Sacramento, the formula for economic strength seems to come in a familiar equation: sporting arena + Kaiser Permanente = economic strength.
Having opened the Sports Medicine Center in the practice facility of the Golden1 Center, Kaiser Permanente serves both Kings players and the public throughout its 7,000-square-foot gym, onsite imaging center, 9 physical therapy rooms, and sport-specific rehabilitation center featuring simulated environments.
Kaiser Permanente also brought a 210,000-square-foot medical office building to DOCO, across from the Golden1 Center.
Should the proposed MLS stadium move forward in The Railyards development area, along with the Kaiser Permanente Medical campus, Sacramento will have an opportunity to repeat the formula that the Golden 1 Center and Kaiser Permanente investments have proven successful in the DOCO area.

A Tour of the Sacramento Railyards Districts
Take a tour through The Railyards, explore the 5 distinct districts within the plan area, and discover the highly-anticipated projects underway in each.

Modern Pioneers in a Modern Frontier
The birthplace of Sacramento, The Railyards was once home to daring pioneers and innovators; men and women who braved a new frontier to make their indelible mark on the world. They built railroads to cross a nation, birthed industries, and kept a City thriving in the face of daunting challenges.
For decades, The Railyards area sat vacant while visionaries dreamt of a day when it would again be a vibrant hub of innovation and economic prosperity. Happily, those dreams are coming to fruition.
Now The Railyards is going to welcome a modern day pioneer.
Entrepreneurs see the potential that lies within this infill development area and staking out their claims to this modern frontier. Business owners recognize the potential brimming within these initial projects and are making moves to ensure they’re in the right place - at the right time.
Transforming 244-acres of historic land into a thriving community where Sacramento can work, live, and play, The Railyards is doubling the size of Sacramento’s Downtown. Will your business be one of the first to settle into this new frontier?