What people are saying about The Railyards.

People are talking about us. And we like it.

Kaiser Permanente breaks ground on $1 billion Railyards Medical Center, to bring 3,000 jobs

Kaiser Permanente breaks ground on $1 billion Railyards Medical Center, to bring 3,000 jobs


source Kaiser Permanente officially broke ground Wednesday on its $1 billion-plus Railyards Medical Center, an 18-acre medical campus set to transform Sacramento’s health care landscape and downtown.

Development of new bridge to railyards impacts the future of Sacramento

Development of new bridge to railyards impacts the future of Sacramento


source The City of Sacramento's plan to move forward with the building of a new bridge over the American River brings excitement to those building in the railyards.

Sac Republic FC asks for fan input on new Railyards stadium

Sac Republic FC asks for fan input on new Railyards stadium


source With a new stadium in Sacramento's Railyards months away from breaking ground, Sacramento Republic FC is turning to its fans to fine tune what the project will offer.

Deal struck for Sacramento soccer stadium. Wilton Rancheria now owns majority of Republic FC

Deal struck for Sacramento soccer stadium. Wilton Rancheria now owns majority of Republic FC


source After making their stadium plans public more than two years ago, Sacramento Republic FC and the mayor’s office have announced plans for the construction of a new, state-of-the-art soccer stadium and entertainment district in Sacramento’s downtown Railyards they hope to open in 2027 as the team takes on new majority ownership.

Sacramento Railyards receiving a facelift as multiple projects are set to break ground

Sacramento Railyards receiving a facelift as multiple projects are set to break ground


source After Thursday's announcement that a new soccer stadium is coming to Sacramento's Railyards, the head development group sat down with KCRA to discuss other community developments in the works.

First Housing Complex at Sacramento Railyards will Soon Welcome Residents

First Housing Complex at Sacramento Railyards will Soon Welcome Residents


source Move-ins at the AJ Apartment Community will happen in phases as the building is completed. The first group will be able to go in June, while the second phase will happen in early August.

Doubling Downtown: First apartment complex in Sacramento Railyards set to open for applications

Doubling Downtown: First apartment complex in Sacramento Railyards set to open for applications


source The first apartment complex at the downtown Railyards is about to open up for applications as construction crews are putting the finishing touches on the project.

More Affordable Housing Coming to Downtown Railyards

More Affordable Housing Coming to Downtown Railyards


source Sacramento’s downtown Railyards will be the home of a new 150-unit affordable housing development on the corner of 7th and F streets. Mayor Darrell Steinberg will join the Wong Center Association, Mutual Housing California, LDK Ventures and Councilmember Jeff Harris for an official groundbreaking ceremony and press event at the site of the new apartment building.

2022 Redefining the Core: Major projects in the River District and Railyards

2022 Redefining the Core: Major projects in the River District and Railyards


source This article gives an overview of projects in various stages of development in the Railyards and River District.

Affordable housing in Railyards to start construction in June

Affordable housing in Railyards to start construction in June


source A Sacramento City Council vote Tuesday gave a final green light to Wong Center Senior Apartments, a 150-unit project planned for the city's Railyards development.

Another large apartment building is planned for Sacramento’s downtown Railyards

Another large apartment building is planned for Sacramento’s downtown Railyards


source Momentum in the long-vacant downtown Railyards is picking up. LDK Ventures is planning to begin construction on the Telegrapher, a 432-unit rental apartment complex.

Next Railyards housing project: 432-unit apartment complex by LDK Ventures

Next Railyards housing project: 432-unit apartment complex by LDK Ventures


source More multistory housing units are being planned for Sacramento's Railyards urban infill project, in a new proposal surpassing even the 345-unit building under construction now.

Kaiser takes new step toward establishing Railyards hospital

Kaiser takes new step toward establishing Railyards hospital


source Kaiser Permanente’s plans to build a new medical center at Sacramento’s Railyards appear to be gaining momentum. Since at least 2015, Kaiser has been gearing up plans for a 420-bed hospital in Sacramento’s Railyards north of Downtown. The 14-story hospital is one of the flagship projects planned for the Railyards development.

Transformative rail program could build a direct Sacramento/SF connection

Transformative rail program could build a direct Sacramento/SF connection


source Last week the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District unveiled Link21, a new program aimed at transforming rail, including light and passenger rail, throughout the Bay Area.

New name, focus for affordable housing project in Railyards

New name, focus for affordable housing project in Railyards


source The proposal for 631 F St. is the same: 150 affordable apartments in a four-story building. But the project is now aimed at seniors, and is called Wong Center Senior Apartments.

Billionaire Investor Ron Burkle to Purchase Sacramento Republic, Railyards Stadium Site

Billionaire Investor Ron Burkle to Purchase Sacramento Republic, Railyards Stadium Site


source Ron Burkle has agreed to purchase a majority ownership in the soccer club, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg said at Downtown Sacramento Partnership’s State of Downtown event Tuesday morning.

Kaiser Completes Purchase of Railyards Site for $33 Million

Kaiser Completes Purchase of Railyards Site for $33 Million


source Kaiser Permanente has set in stone its intent to build a major project at the Downtown Railyards development, completing a land purchase for its planned medical center.

Denton Kelley Appears on the Mark Haney Show

Denton Kelley Appears on the Mark Haney Show


source Denton Kelley, Managing Principal for LDK Ventures, talks with Mark Haney about taking on the largest urban infill project in the country and the dynamics of being in a family business.

Kaiser's Railyards Medical Center Now Set to Open in '24

Kaiser's Railyards Medical Center Now Set to Open in '24


source Kaiser Permanente is still planning a 1.2 million-square-foot medical center in Sacramento’s Railyards development, but its opening date looks to have slipped by a year.

Railyards Developer Inducted into California Homebuilding Foundation Hall of Fame

Railyards Developer Inducted into California Homebuilding Foundation Hall of Fame


source Larry Kelley founded LDK Ventures to construct some of the most iconic projects in the Sacramento Region, including Stanford Ranch, The Railyards, and McClellan Park.

Plans for Railyards' First Residential Project Submitted

Plans for Railyards' First Residential Project Submitted


source A six-story, 277-unit mixed-use project at the corner of Seventh Street and Railyards Boulevard is likely to be the first residential development in Sacramento’s Railyards.

Sacramento Republic FC begins construction months ahead of MLS decision

Sacramento Republic FC begins construction months ahead of MLS decision


source The Sacramento Republic FC began groundwork Thursday on its $250 million soccer stadium in the Sacramento Railyards to show the city's commitment to being home to a Major League Soccer team.

School planned in railyard development

School planned in railyard development


source Add another future development project to the railyard north of downtown Sacramento: a new elementary school.

With marketing deal, downtown railyard takes another step toward reality

With marketing deal, downtown railyard takes another step toward reality


source LDK Ventures has hired the Sacramento marketing and advertising firm MeringCarson to develop a brand identity for the downtown railyard development.

Planning Commission endorses ambitious downtown railyard plan

Planning Commission endorses ambitious downtown railyard plan


source An expansive plan to redevelop Sacramento’s historic downtown railyard with a major- league soccer stadium, a hospital and a mix of housing and shops took a big step toward full approval by the city Monday night.

Railyard developers planning to submit housing plans next year

Railyard developers planning to submit housing plans next year


source A Sacramento City Council vote to confirm the new plan for the railyard development is set for early next month. But the developers with Downtown Railyard Venture LLC are also turning attention to what’s on their plate after that.

5th Street Bridge Unveiled At Sacramento Railyards

5th Street Bridge Unveiled At Sacramento Railyards


source Decades in the making, hundreds joined together on Friday to celebrate the completion of the 5th Street Bridge and the beginning of a new chapter for the city of Sacramento.

New road through Sacramento railyards opens

New road through Sacramento railyards opens


source Railyards Boulevard opened to traffic Friday with great fanfare, but some say this road is not a good idea.

Railyard streets opened to the public

Railyard streets opened to the public


source Another milestone in turning the railyard from redevelopment possibility to reality was reached Friday, when the city of Sacramento and developers LDK Ventures LLC opened up roads through the 200-acre site.

Streets in Sacramento’s downtown railyard open to drivers for the first time

Streets in Sacramento’s downtown railyard open to drivers for the first time


source After decades hidden away, Sacramento’s massive railyard officially opened its doors to the public Friday, ushering in what officials predict will be a building boom in the northwest corner of downtown for decades to come.

Large company CFO of the Year: Frank Myers, McClellan Park

Large company CFO of the Year: Frank Myers, McClellan Park


source When Roseville native Frank Myers returned to the Sacramento region from the Bay Area, he wasn’t only coming home to raise a family. He was also starting a career that has led to the development of some of the most significant real estate projects in the region.

Sacramento’s Union Pacific Railyards to be redeveloped into mixed-use entertainment district

Sacramento’s Union Pacific Railyards to be redeveloped into mixed-use entertainment district


source The City of Sacramento is moving along with the redevelopment of the Sacramento Railyards, what was once the largest rail yard west of the Mississippi River. At 244-acres, the proposed mixed-used, adaptive-reuse project is just north of the city’s downtown.

5 new things from the railyard draft EIR

5 new things from the railyard draft EIR


source The draft environmental impact report for the railyard project, Kaiser Permanente medical center and Major League Soccer stadium was released Friday. Here are five details found in the report or suggested by its release:




source Downtown Railyards Venture is a master developer with some big plans for Sacramento’s downtown area.

Sacramento Railyards: Center for Creative Land Recycling

Sacramento Railyards: Center for Creative Land Recycling


source The Sacramento Railyards are a 244-acre mixed-use redevelopment project located at the former Union Pacific railyard in downtown Sacramento, and is the largest urban infill project in the country. Remediation of the site is partially funded by a Cleanup Grant.

Railyards - Downtown Sacramento Partnership

Railyards - Downtown Sacramento Partnership


source Located just north of Downtown and south of the River District, the Union Pacific Railyards that once served as the western terminus of the 1860s Transcontinental Railroad, will soon be transformed into a dynamic, urban mixed-use hub for residents, workers, and visitors.

Details emerge on Kevin Johnson's new economic initiatives

Details emerge on Kevin Johnson's new economic initiatives


source The Sacramento City Council has given the green light to some of Mayor Kevin Johnson's ambitious economic proposals.

Downtown railyard’s new streets will open for traffic this fall

Downtown railyard’s new streets will open for traffic this fall


source The Sacramento City Council has given the green light to some of Mayor Kevin Johnson's ambitious economic proposals.

Latest reinvention of the railyard aims to strike a balance

Latest reinvention of the railyard aims to strike a balance


source A document on file at City Hall says development of Sacramento’s railyard will connect and expand downtown Sacramento. Make it walkable and transit-friendly. Add housing and respect the land’s history as a railroad hub.

Developers offer new details about plans for the downtown railyard

Developers offer new details about plans for the downtown railyard


source In their first appearance before Sacramento’s planning and design commission, developers have offered new details about the downtown railyard project.

Sacramento developer completes purchase of downtown railyard

Sacramento developer completes purchase of downtown railyard


source A Sacramento development firm completed the long-awaited purchase of downtown Sacramento’s abandoned railyard Wednesday, setting the stage for a new era of development that’s expected to include a hospital, Major League Soccer stadium, university institute and thousands of homes.

Railyard developer reveals new ideas as property transfer nears

Railyard developer reveals new ideas as property transfer nears


source With his development firm set to formally acquire the railyard this month, Larry Kelley on Wednesday gave new details on how the project will unfold.

Kaiser to build hospital on Sacramento railyards site

Kaiser to build hospital on Sacramento railyards site


source Kaiser Permanente announced Thursday it plans to build a hospital at the downtown railyards site in Sacramento.

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