The Sacramento Railyards has been awarded a grant through the California Natural Resources Agency Urban Greening Grant Program to transform built environments into communities that are more sustainable, healthy, and vibrant.
The Urban Greening Grant Program has a specific focus of achieving greenhouse gas reductions. The Urban Greening Program is distributing $76M statewide to projects that reduce greenhouse gases by sequestering carbon, decreasing energy consumption, and reducing vehicle miles traveled, as well as transforming built environments into communities that are more sustainable, vibrant, and healthy.
In order to be considered for a grant, projects need to establish and enhance parks and open space, use natural solutions to improving air and water quality and reducing energy consumption, and creating more walkable and bikeable trails. Grants were awarded on a competitive basis using evaluation criteria, with priority given to projects that are located within and benefit the State’s disadvantaged communities.
The Urban Greening Grant Program is funded by Cap-and-Trade revenue. California’s Cap-and-Trade program, along with other state carbon reduction measures, ensures the state will meet its SB 32 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.

The 9 Principles Guiding The Railyards Specific Plan
Dive deep into the 9 principles providing the overarching guidance for the development of the Sacramento Railyard.

The Railyards Green Streets Project Awarded Urban Greening Grant
The Railyards Green Streets Project was awarded $2M from the Urban Greening Grant Program fund.
In the grant application, The Railyards states the Green Street project (as part of the larger Railyards Specific Plan) provides 5,600 linear feet (1.06 miles) of complete streets/ green streets with wide sidewalks, street trees, naturalized stormwater management facilities, Class 2 bicycle lanes and completion of a Class 1 bike-pedestrian trail along the sacramento riverfront.
Here are a few details about the Green Streets project:
- 137 trees to be planted (cork oak and valley oak trees).
- Connecting existing and future residents to planned parks and open spaces in The Railyards and along the Sacramento riverfront.
- Stormwater management systems that mimic natural systems for urban runoff and stormwater.
- Completion of the proposed streets and the Bercut trail will open The Railyards up to initial vertical development, including 500 units of affordable housing near the Sacramento Valley Station.
- Planned 7th Street light rail stop will provide additional connectivity as part of circulation network; improving bicycle and pedestrian access between Downtown, The Railyards, and the River District.
92% of grant funding was awarded to projects in disadvantaged communities as defined by SB 535. The Railyards Green Streets project will benefit residents in the River District, Downtown, Alkali Flats neighborhood, and Washington neighborhood in West Sacramento. The entire project is within a disadvantaged community, as designated by SB 535. SB 535 identifies disadvantaged communities based on geographic, socioeconomic, public health, and environmental hazard criteria. These communities may include, but are not limited to:
- Areas disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and other hazards that can lead to negative public health effects, exposure, or environmental degradation.
- Areas with concentrations of people that are of low-income, high unemployment, low levels of homeownership, high rent burden, sensitive populations, or low levels of educational attainment.
The project will improve access and benefit a significant amount of individuals within nearby proximity to The Railyards.
The Green Streets project was prepared with both extensive community and public agency input and collaboration. Local residents expressed a high priority for a strong transportation network that supports a car-optional community, with improved connections to public transit, more physical connections to adjacent neighborhoods, and pedestrian and bicycle-friendly streets. All of these priorities are key elements of The Railyards Specific Plan and supported by the Green Streets project.
The California Natural Resources Agency received 143 Urban Greening applications and recommended funding for 39 projects, including The Railyards Green Street project.